Spring (1) Term 2024
Please take a look at what our busy classes have been up to:
EYFS - Monkeys
Our topic this half-term is 'Farmyard Fun'. We have had a fantastic time in Monkey’s Class and have been extremely busy. The children have had the opportunity to explore the language used in the story ‘Little Red Hen’ and make their own Bread Rolls; the children had to knead the dough and make it into a ball to cook. We then wrote instructions to tell others how to make bread. Their writing was fantastic!
In Maths we have been exploring odds, evens and doubles. Monkey Class are getting very good at doubling up to 5, and we’ve even been practising doubling 6,7 and 8! Which is a bit trickier!
The children have also been learning about Lunar New Year and Pancake day. They even got to make and cook their own pancake! What a great few weeks we’ve had! Enjoy half term!
YEAR 1 - Lions
Our topic this half-term is 'Happy Holidays.' This week in Lions we have been exploring Chinese artwork with the artist Qi Baishi. We have been painting beautiful Cherry Blossom trees using our different brushstrokes. We are very proud of them as we tried really hard. We then made a collage of our favourite pictures from China using our gluing skills to join materials together.
YEAR 2 - Giraffes
Our topic this half-term is 'Location, Location'. Giraffes have been learning all about the world in our Geography lessons. We have discussed the differences between human and physical features and compared rural and urban areas.
In DT we have been learning how to make stable structures. We enjoyed testing for stability by designing cups, lego and cocktail stick structures. This topic has also developed our PSHE skill in working towards a goal and learning how to work together as a team.